May was a busy month, I'll try to post some pictures of the highlights; my birthday, mothers day, family in town, graduations, a wedding with the cutest little ring bearer.....
The other MAJOR (and real reason) is that the hubs re-hauled my computer and I don't have Windows Live Writer anymore. Yes, I know you can blog with out it, but it sure makes it easy (and one lazy) if you use it. ANYWAYS, I'm trying some new programs, hoping to find one I like as much as Live Writer. Any suggestions fellow bloggers?
So back on the saddle. Speaking of, who watched Hatfields and McCoys? SOOO good right? We watched all three parts in one night (and didn't go to bed until 2am). It's on the History Channel, definitely for a mature audience, but overall, we enjoyed it.
Ok, I'll be back soon with some recent projects!
And here's some pictures just for fun...

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