Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy Hair Day

Today was crazy hair day at Carter's preschool. We borrowed a big afro wig for Carter to wear, but I had a feeling he would change his mind and that it would be too hot or itchy. So we did a ponytail Mohawk instead :-)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Brittany’s Bridal Shower

There’s not a whole lot more I love than planning a party… A baby or bridal shower to be more specific, and I have to say, I throw a pretty good shower! Remember Heather's Sip and See??? Also… I’m getting another sister! My brother in law picked one of the sweetest, nicest, funnest- (i know its not a word) girls to marry this fall and so I got to practice my shower talent on her… We based the theme/decor off of the invitations and just went with it. (I did have the help of my AMAZING sister in law, Heather). Also.. sorry the picture quality isn’t that great, my camera battery was dying and I’m not super fast at editing bad photos yet :)

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Friday, August 9, 2013

OH Doggity Dog Dog

We have a dog, Bella, a beautiful, crazy, chocolate lab. We got her before we had kids…I always joke that a dog is the gateway drug. Last week a friend send me a painfully true article about Kids and Dogs. And then I go and find these adorable pictures of her as a puppy. Le sigh.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

here i go again on my own…

Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

so yeah… its been A WHILE and while this White Snake song doesn’t completely fit my sentiment (not really a drifter OR born to walk alone), who doesn’t love belting this song at the bar with all your friends? And I don’t want to waste/miss any more time documenting what my bunch has been up to.

Because I like putting things in their place, I’m planning on backdating some posts of our life events from the past 5 months, so they all go in chronological order. I’m a rules girl like that. So anything after Feburary 14th was probably added recently, but I’ll date it close to when it happened. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father’s Day

This year my dad was in town for Father’s day! we had a nice weekend; we went to the zoo, went to the Parker Days festival and parade, and topped it all off with great seats to Tim McGraw.

Elephant passage at the zoo

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Riding the zoo train, every time we heard the whistle, Ryne would say, “all Aboard” so cute.

P1100953  Waiting for the paradeP1100961 P1100965 P1100973 Grandpa got called out of the audience to be a volunteer at the street performer’s show… and before the concertP1100976 P1100978IMG_2635 IMG_2645 IMG_2650

Pretty Fun Night!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I turned thirty this month and was having a little bit of a hard time with it. There’s nothing I can really do about it, so I decided to celebrate anyways and throw myself a party… And then only took one picture from it, must mean I as having fun. (I did!)


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Heather’s sip and see

I had the honor of hosting a sip and see for one of my best friends, Heather. They adopted the most precious baby girl, and we wanted to sprinkle them with love… and show off the adorable sweetheart! Plus I had an excuse to throw a super girlie party… um hello! It’s hard to hold back sometimes, if my budget wasn’t limited… watch out Real Housewives, this girl has ideas!

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It’s really hard to see, but my favorite part of the party was this circle garland I made and hung from my second floor down to the first and across the vaulted ceilings in my living room… This is the best picture I got, but I HAD to show you guys


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Carter!


Carter turned 4 today… it’s crazy to think I’ve had a child the same amount of time as I was in high school or college. UGH I AM GETTING SO OLD!

After the unpleasant spring we had, I just didn’t have it in me to throw a birthday party for either of the boys. I know horrible mother. The most heartbreaking part of the day… when Carter asked when his friends were coming over, (I'm writing this in August and it STILL gets me… never again, I'll always do something, even if it’s super small)  So instead of a friends party, we got pizza for dinner and went to play at Monkey Business. Carter loved it and luckily doesn't seem too scarred from not having a big 4th birthday party. P1100883

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