Thursday, November 17, 2011

And it begins...

here's my very first diy home decor post.....

 i fell in love with these frames after seeing them in an interior design magazine several years ago (i think it was domino?) anyways, super easy... thrift store frames, paint, scrapbook paper, wall paper, fabric, and ribbon =
unique, fun, inexpensive wall decor

currently, these have found a home in my powder room

i'd love to see pictures of your frames!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's in a name?

so unless you're part of inspired district, my uber-cool craft group or you read craig and whitney, the title of my blog, group two, probably doesn't make sense.

i am the privileged mother of boys and I love all three of my guys with all my heart. with that said, there are two types of mothers of just boys... the type where it is apparent they have male offspring and have decided if they can't beat 'em, join 'em in their snakes and snails and puppy dog tails ways.

then there is the other type, or group two, as i like to refer to them, where despite the masculine majority, mom is not over run by all things boy and still delights in the feminine. this is where my allegiance lies; sugar and spice and everything nice, and pink.

hugs, chat later!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Welcome to the future

this past fall, thanks to my neighbor, heather, and also due to the fact that i'm confined to a rocking chair for 20+ minutes about 6 times a day nursing, i've discovered the blogging world; design blogs, party planning blogs, diy blogs, celebrity gossip err... news blogs. i am hooked.

so what's a super busy, tired, people pleasing, perfectionist mom to do?? start her own blog of course. enjoy reading about our life, my boys, projects i'm working on and whatever else i can get on my soapbox about.

hugs, chat later.