Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today I had a SUPER thankful moment! I’m thankful for my Phil and Teds double stroller.

I wanted to go run some errands this morning, including Gap, because I had an awesome coupon and Carter needed some shirts. I also thought I would let Cater walk instead of ride in the stroller and just brought the umbrella stroller for Ryne. Welllll, I shopped for myself at another store first and by the time I got to the Gap, Carter was fading. Of course I pushed it a little longer and loaded up my bag with goodies. When I was finally ready to go, and over trying to peacefully control my kids, the checkout line, I kid you not, was at least a 30 minute wait. There was no way I could endure the whining that long. But I found SO many great things! So I asked one of the employees to hold the whole bag for me. until tonight. at 8p.m.

I left, and was relieved that I got outta there without any major meltdowns. As we were leaving it started snowing, the roads were wet, and visibility wasn’t that great (more from the splash back from other cars than actual snow/sleet) I also thought Carter had a fever, he’s had a runny nose and congestion. And he was complaining that his throat hurt. How on earth could I make it back to the Gap before 8pm, knowing I would probably have to endure a 30 minute wait to check out and go back out in the snow. The shopping queen in me was a little disappointed- I can’t resist a deal – CAN’T.

We got home, I took Carter’s temp, totally fine thank goodness, and fed the boys lunch. Of course, magically, they are much happier. I put Ryne down for a nap and he was just pleasantly playing away in his crib. (He has been sleeping in until 9am (don’t hate me), so I wasn’t too worried about him not sleeping).

It was then I decided on the game plan; I would let them play at home a little longer, then head back out, first a close errand and then the 20 minute drive back to the Gap. (Or longer I was assuming since the roads may be slick). The boys would sleep in the car for a quick power nap and once we arrived, they would sit in the double stroller, have plenty of snacks and maybe even let Carter play on my old iPhone to entertain himself.

So we head back out, and thankfully it stopped snowing/raining and the sun even tried to come out. As I start driving to the Gap, Ryne is awake, as is Carter, but by this time I have a better attitude and think, whatever, they’re both happy and I’ll just see what happens. As I’m getting off the exit for the mall, I notice Carter is asleep. (Ryne’s still awake). I find a great parking spot (bonus!), get out my stroller, load Ryne in, and then carefully lift a sleeping Carter out of his car seat, into the stroller seat. He doesn’t wake up!!! (Mom 1, Carter 0) I  take advantage of it and go to a few other stores before the Gap. As I’m walking through the mall, Ryne falls asleep in his stroller seat!!!! SO I’ve basically JUST started shopping AND have two sleeping kids in my stroller. Let me tell you, that is the way to shop!

I hit a few more stores, and head to the Gap, where there is NO line at either check out (they didn’t have the Gap Kids registers open in the morning!) and it’s not too busy, AND they still have my bag full of stuff. Y.E.S. The boys wake up about halfway through my time at the Gap, but woke happy and content. We then  walked back to the car and on the way, came across the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the giant Christmas tree. So we listened to some Christmas music and Carter got to see Mrs. Claus. (Who I’m pretty sure Carter likes way more than Santa Claus- not just Santa, Santa Claus, I was corrected in the car!)

So, I’m SO THANKFUL today ended a lot better than it started. AND I got 40% off at the Gap! Sweet!


1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! And I totally appreciate the same thing!! Sounds like I need to hit the Gap :)
